Even if mortgage rates are rising, there can be a variety of reasons why a consumer might choose to refinance their mortgage. Here are a few:
  1. Switch from an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) to a Fixed-Rate Mortgage (FRM): If a consumer initially took out an ARM, they might decide to refinance to a FRM. ARMs often start with a lower interest rate, but the rate varies over time, potentially leading to significant increases in payments. Even if rates are increasing, locking in a fixed rate could provide stability and predictability in payments.
  2. Debt Consolidation: If a consumer has a lot of high-interest debt (like credit card debt), they may choose to refinance their mortgage to consolidate these debts. Even if the mortgage rate is higher, it might still be lower than the interest rate on these other types of debt, making it a financially prudent decision.
  3. Cash-out Refinance: If the homeowner has substantial equity in their home, they might choose to do a cash-out refinance, which allows them to borrow more than they owe on their current mortgage and receive the difference in cash. They could use this cash to pay for home renovations, education, or other expenses.
  4. Improved Credit Score: If a homeowner’s credit score has significantly improved since they first obtained their mortgage, they might be able to get a better rate despite rising mortgage rates overall.
  5. Change in Loan Term: A homeowner might want to refinance to change the term of the loan. For example, if they are in a financial position to pay off their mortgage more quickly, they might refinance from a 30-year mortgage to a 15-year mortgage. Conversely, if they are struggling with high monthly payments, they might refinance to a longer-term loan to reduce those payments.
  6. Remove Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI): If a homeowner initially made a down payment of less than 20%, they likely have PMI. If the homeowner has now reached 20% equity, refinancing could allow them to eliminate this extra cost.

Remember, refinancing a mortgage involves costs and fees, so it’s important for consumers to weigh these against the potential benefits. It’s also critical to consider personal financial circumstances and future plans. Consulting with a Smart Mortgage Broker can be very helpful in making this decision.  Call us today or apply online (888)416-0920.

About Brian Birk